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Riding motorcycles is a recent passion for me, having just started riding about 10 years ago.  Tons of trip around the western part of the continent and one big trip to the east coast on my trusty Harley.  It even took me for a month through the northern half of Mexico.


Kept wondering what lay down the dirt roads I kept passing which spawned an interest in Adventure Travelling.


Enter my current bike, a BMW 800 GS which has been the perfect bike for me.  A comfortable and reliable steed, it has more than compensated for my lousy dirt riding technique.


I retired at the end of 2011 after working for 41 years in the Financial Services Industry. Five kids are all out making their own lives and families so we don't have day to day kid things to deal with.


My wife was absolutely scared to death with the prospect of having me underfoot all the time.


So, she craftily engineered a scheme where I would spend the first 3 months of my retirement wandering around Mexico on my motorcycyle.  I reluctently agreed to go.


Upon my return from Mexico, she immediately started scheming again to get me out of the house and insisted I figure out a six month trip this time . . . preferably far away, like South America or something.  Again, I reluctenly agreed to undertake a trip from home to Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I wonder what she has in store for me next?


I didn't have a lot to do while wiling away the hours in strange foreign lands so, these two trips are chronicled in Ride Reports published on Adventure Rider Forum which can be accessed by the buttons on the Homepage.



About Me

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